Soal Inggris Kelas 12 – Penilaian Tengah Semester Ganjil

Soal Inggris Kelas 12 – Penilaian Tengah Semester Ganjil | Berikut ini soal Inggris kelas 12 semester 1 dan semester 2 untuk anda yang ingin berlatih mengenai soal Inggris untuk bagian Penilaian Tengah Semester Ganjil.

Bagi para siswa kelas 12 yang ingin berlatih soal untuk mata pelajaran Inggris dengan pembelajaran Penilaian Tengah Semester Ganjil Anda bisa mempelajari berbagai macam soal mengenai Penilaian Tengah Semester Ganjil dibawah ini.

Selamat mengerjakan Latihan Soal Inggris Kelas 12 – Penilaian Tengah Semester Ganjil


SMA-Kelas 3 - Inggris - Penilaian Tengah Semester Ganjil - 1

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1. Its story is about a prison break and revenge.

2. I want to borrow it soon after Charlie finish reading it.

3. Charlie got a new book.

4. He wants Charlie to read more and play less.

5. It is called The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas. 6. His father bought it in XYZ bookstore.

Which one is the best arrangement of the sentences above?

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Elizabeth II, born on 21st April 1926, is the eldest daughter of George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon. She married Philip Mountbatten, a distant cousin, in 1947. The pair has four children: Charles, Prince of Wales, Anne, Andrew and Edward. She is the first monarch to send her children to boarding schools in order to remove them from the ever-probing media. She has a strong sense of duty and diligence. Her knowledge of current situation and trends is up to date. She possesses a sense of humorous rarely exhibited in public where a dignified presence is her goal.

What is the purpose of the text? It is to … .

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All Students of Grade 9

You are invited to:



Day/Date : Saturday, the fifteenth of July

two thousand and nineteen

Time : 10 a.m. – 01 p.m.

Venue : SMA Negeri 1 Madang Suku I

Jl. Simpang Kepuh Rasuan – EAST OKU

*Invitation card available at OSIS room.

Where will the graduation party be held?

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Farmer in Lampung and West Java are likely to face difficulties with rice harvest in the next two month because hundreds of thousands of hectare rice field have been under threat from a long drought. Therefore, the government has started worrying the two provinces.

What is the text about?

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Urgently Needed Accountant (Code : ACC)

– Accounting Major

– Male and female

– Max. 28 years old

– Can speak and write English

– Familiar with MS Word, MS Office

– Having at least twenty four months experiences

Preferably full time. To work in a well established and a leading international export and import company, located in Sidoarjo. Apply to HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT (HRD), PO BOX 1234 Sidoarjo 223344 with full details; CV, contact phone number, a recent colour photograph and certificates within 14 days

What position is offered in the advertisement…..

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Dear Rinda,

I am feeling so blue for missing your birthday.

Happy Birthday

Hope you have great life



Widi felt … because she could not come to the birthday party

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Hayati Hutabarat says that she has downright satisfaction from her position in the company. But what about some other things in life. There are still important for many women to have things like marriage and children. Does Hayati regret for not having time for these things?

What is the text about?

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Arya : What a nice house you have here

Dewi : Thank you. My father designed this

Arya : Really? Wow ! your father is awesome!

Dewi : …..

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Ridwan : I think everybody should have access to free healthcare.

Dina:…………………. It is the right of every citizen

Ridwan : Yeah, You’re right

10 / 15

Arrange thefollowing word into a good meaningful sentence. But (1) – she (2) – must (3) – soon (4) – is (5) – Melly (6) – here (7) – leave (8)

11 / 15

Ida : Excuse me. May I see Mr.Yono ? Recepsionist : I’m sorry madam. He … at the moment.

12 / 15

Dear Lia,

I Have a boyfriend. He is my senior at school. He is religious, smart and wise.

Most girls at school like him very much. I feel so lucky that I have him. The problem is that my Mom doesn’t like him because he has a dark complexion. I think religion is more important than anything else. I’m so confuse. As a good daughter I must obey my mother. But I don’t want to loose a good boy like him. What should I do to convince my mother?



The Writer has a problem with ……

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To: All students of Senior High School 1 Madang Suku I.

To celebrate the National Education Day the students Board Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest, English Story Telling contest and Wall Magazine Competition. The programs will be held on January, 4th , 2011, 8 am – 1 p.m.

All classes must take part in the programs and should report their participation to their own teachers.

For detailed information, please contact Mr. Ari Irawan, the coordinator of this program.

Who is in charge of the program?

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Making Candles

Tool and Ingredient : o wax moulds,

-wick, dye discs, essential oils, and a double boiler.

Steps :

1. Melt the wax. All wax has a flash point, so to prevent it bursting into flames, you must melt it in a double boiler, with water in the bottom pan.

2. Prepare the mould with the wick. Thread the wick through the mould and make sure that you leave a good few centimetres sticking out of the hole in the bottom.

3. After that, add the scent. If you want a scented candle, add a few drops of essential oil to the melted wax. You can use any essential oil you like, as long as it doesn’t contain water.

4. Next step, pour the wax into the mould. Try and tip the wax into the mould quickly, all in one go, to minimise spillage and air bubbles.

5. Then, release the bubbles and top it up. Releasing the air bubbles will eventually make the candle sink, so you will need to top it up with more melted wax.

6. Finally, remove it from the mould. After four or five hours, the candle can be taken out of its mould.

7. Your candle is now ready for display. Remember, you must always leave it for a day before lighting

The text is written to ….

15 / 15

Bellboy : Would you like a morning call?

Guest :……………I am not in hurry tomorrow morning

Your score is

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Latihan Soal Inggris Kelas 12 lainnya bisa dilihat di Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMA-MA dan Materi Kelas 10-12 [Lengkap]


  1. Jawaban BENAR = ceklis akan berubah menjadi HIJAU, SALAH = silang akan berubah menjadi MERAH
  2. Tiap soal hanya ada satu jawaban yang Benar
  3. Tekan F5 jika anda ingin latihan psikotes dari awal - Solusi Terbaik untuk Berlatih Soal Online

Mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian tidak pernah mudah. Namun, dengan, kini kamu dapat berlatih soal dengan mudah dan efektif. Mulai dari soal SD / MI sederajat, SMP / MTs sederajat, SMA / MA sederajat, hingga soal umum, menawarkan berbagai macam soal yang akan membantumu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuanmu.

Berpartisipasi dalam misi mencerdaskan manusia Indonesia, hadir sebagai solusi terbaik bagi kamu yang ingin berlatih soal secara online. Dengan user-friendly interface dan desain yang menarik, akan membuat latihan soal menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan menantang.

Apa yang membuat berbeda dari yang lain?
  • Database soal yang selalu diperbarui
  • Semua soal dapat diakses secara Gratis
  • Desain yang user-friendly dan menarik
  • Berbagai tingkatan soal, mulai dari SD sederajat hingga umum

Dengan, kamu tidak hanya dapat berlatih soal, tetapi juga dapat memantau perkembangan dan memperbaiki kelemahanmu. Tanpa harus takut kehabisan waktu atau kehabisan uang, memberikan solusi yang praktis dan efektif untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian.

Ayo, mulai berlatih soal sekarang juga dengan Rasakan kemudahan dan keefektifan berlatih soal online. Persiapkan diri dengan baik untuk menghadapi ujian dan capailah prestasi yang maksimal!

Q: Bagaimana jika saya menemukan soal atau jawaban yang salah?
A: Silahkan hubungi kami di Contact Us

Q: Kenapa saya tidak dapat mengakses
A: Pastikan koneksi internet Anda lancar dan pastikan Adblock dimatikan.

Q: Apakah menyediakan bimbel atau les untuk CPNS?
A: hanya menyediakan kumpulan soal untuk persiapan CPNS dan tidak menyediakan les untuk CPNS ataupun bimbingan CPNS.

Q: Apakah ini latihan soal ini bisa digunakan seleksi untuk daftar BUMN?
A: Anda dapat memanfaatkan ribuan soal latihan untuk proses seleksi psikotes daftar BUMN seperti Pertamina, Pindad, Garuda dan perusahaan BUMN lainnya.
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