Soal Inggris Kelas 9 – Penilaian Harian

Soal Inggris Kelas 9 –  Penilaian Harian | Berikut ini soal Inggris kelas 9 semester 1 dan semester 2 untuk anda yang ingin berlatih mengenai soal Inggris untuk bagian Penilaian Harian.

Bagi para siswa kelas 9 yang ingin berlatih soal untuk mata pelajaran Inggris dengan pembelajaran Penilaian Harian Anda bisa mempelajari berbagai macam soal mengenai Penilaian Harian dibawah ini.

Selamat mengerjakan Latihan Soal Inggris Kelas 9 – Penilaian Harian


SMP-Kelas 3 - Inggris - Penilaian Harian - 1

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– 250 cc hot water

– 50 gram instant porridge

– 1 spoon soya sauce

– 1 spoon chili sauce

– Crackers

– 10 gram meat floss

Suggested Preparation:

1. Put instant porridge into a bowl.

2. Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened.

3. Add soya sauce and chili sauce (as much as you like).

4. Then, spread crackers and meat floss The porridge is ready to be served.

How much instant porridge do you need to make the meat floss porridge?

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How To Operate TV

Instructions :

Last, if you want to turn off the television you can use the power button (4)

First, Plug the cable television into electricity (2)

Wait untill the televison show the picture (6)

After that, press the power button to turn on the television (1)

Set the volume use the remote or button volume (3)

Choose the channel that you want to watch use the button or the remote. (5)

arrange it to be a good step !

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How to save videos from Instagram

First, open the Instagram app.

Second, open the story or video you want to save.

Third, tap its corresponding menu button (located in the lower right-hand corner, represented by 3 dots)

Next, when the pop-up menu appears, tap Save or Save Photo/Video.

What is the last step?

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How to make a pencil case


1. Choose the size you want. If you want to put longer items, such as a ruler, placed in your pencil case, you’ll need a longer pencil case.

2. Find a bag or box that suitable with your choice of size. It doesn’t have to be nice-looking, but strong and clean.

3. Cover the box with paper, any color.

4. Decorate the container. Try some or all of the following ideas:

a) Put some cool sticker. b) Decorate with your own art work with markers: draw lines: shapes, animals, people, etc. c) Cut some magazine pictures and stick them on it. d) Totally cover the box with wrapping paper e) Glue on shells, buttons or anything else you want to decorate the pencil case with. Add glitter if you like.

5. Show all your friends and be proud of your unique pencil case.

The length of the pencil case depends on ….

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Pasta, bread and rice are rich in ___.

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Read the following text to answer questions number 1 and 2.



Fast relief for:

Congestion100 tabletsRunny noseUSPCoughs200 mgHeadacheFever


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What is procedure text?

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How To Call Person

If you want to call the other persons, follow the instructions below:

Press the “power” button.

Search the name of the person that you want to call in contact list or press the number you want to call

Press the call button (green button)

Wait until the other accept your call Start the conversation.

Press the “Call Off” button to end the conversation (red button)

What we must do if we want to end the conversation ?

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Fried Banana

Ingredients: Some good bananas, Wheat flour, Some water, a little salt, a little sugar, Cooking oil.


Peel the bananas, cut in half length-ways. Mix wheat flour with water, salt, and sugar. Roll the bananas in the mixture. Put the bananas into the hot oil until they turn golden brown. Drain the fried bananas and serve.

question 2:

How many ingredients does the text have?

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– 250 cc hot water

– 50 gram instant porridge

– 1 spoon soya sauce

– 1 spoon chili sauce

– Crackers

– 10 gram meat floss

Suggested Preparation:

1. Put instant porridge into a bowl.

2. Pour 250 cc hot water, stir well Leave it for about 3 minutes until porridge thickened.

3. Add soya sauce and chili sauce (as much as you like).

4. Then, spread crackers and meat floss The porridge is ready to be served.

What should we do after stirring the porridge?

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The new Megatron™ microwave oven brings the latest cooking technology into your kitchen. This microwave oven uses state of the art magnetic technology to heat your food electronically. It is safe, clean, and most of all, very efficient. Just follow the steps below:

1. Plug in the microwave. No need to press an ON button, the microwave is always ready to use! It is in a standby mode to save power.

2. Put your food in the Mega ™ microwave bowl. Made from durable non-stick plastic. Multi-purpose and easy to clean. Come free with your purchase of that Megatron™ microwave oven.

3. Put the bowl into the microwave, close the oven door.

4. Press the Auto Cook Button. Choose from the options: Meat, Vegetable, Rice, Cake and Microwave Meal.

5. Press the START button. The microwave oven will cook the food in a matter of minutes. It will stop automatically when the food is done.

6. When the microwave stops, press the open button and take the bowl out of the oven. Your meal is ready to serve.

What must we do first if we want to operate the new Megatron microwave oven?

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We need to understand what product names mean __ the packaging labels.

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The correct arrangement of generic structures in procedure text are …

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How to keep healthy

1. Maintain healthy eating habits. Avoid for diets, dairy grain, protein, fruits & veggies. You must burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. Avoid meals which is hard on body, eat low energy density food.

2. Drink more water. It helps flush metabolic wastes and keep your metabolism in top shape

3. Sleep well every night. Adult should get 7 -9 hours daily. School aged children should get 10 – 11 hours daily.

4. Stick to an exercise regimen. Do cardio and interval training to keep our heart in shape.

5. Limit your voice. Quit smoking, beat drug addiction, avoid risky behaviour.

6. Be hygienic, wash your hand thoroughly after coming into contact with a sick person, brush your teeth and tongue twice daily, take a shower regularly.

7. Make a little style change. Take the gym three days a week. Park farther away from the store. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, or weed your garden.

The text is written to give an alternative of how to …

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Closet Freshener emits fresh fragrance throughout the room.


to use:


out the camphor from plastic case, remove transparent cellophane wrapper and

put into the plastic case again. Hang it in the wardrobes, toilet or any

other necessary place.



out of reach of children.

What is the text about?

Your score is

Rekomendasi menggunakan komputer atau laptop, namun jika menggunakan smartphone sebaiknya gunakan browser Chrome, Opera atau UC Browser

Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 lainnya bisa dilihat di Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMP-MTS dan Materi Kelas 7-9 [Lengkap]


  1. Jawaban BENAR = ceklis akan berubah menjadi HIJAU, SALAH = silang akan berubah menjadi MERAH
  2. Tiap soal hanya ada satu jawaban yang Benar
  3. Tekan F5 jika anda ingin latihan psikotes dari awal - Solusi Terbaik untuk Berlatih Soal Online

Mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian tidak pernah mudah. Namun, dengan, kini kamu dapat berlatih soal dengan mudah dan efektif. Mulai dari soal SD / MI sederajat, SMP / MTs sederajat, SMA / MA sederajat, hingga soal umum, menawarkan berbagai macam soal yang akan membantumu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuanmu.

Berpartisipasi dalam misi mencerdaskan manusia Indonesia, hadir sebagai solusi terbaik bagi kamu yang ingin berlatih soal secara online. Dengan user-friendly interface dan desain yang menarik, akan membuat latihan soal menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan menantang.

Apa yang membuat berbeda dari yang lain?
  • Database soal yang selalu diperbarui
  • Semua soal dapat diakses secara Gratis
  • Desain yang user-friendly dan menarik
  • Berbagai tingkatan soal, mulai dari SD sederajat hingga umum

Dengan, kamu tidak hanya dapat berlatih soal, tetapi juga dapat memantau perkembangan dan memperbaiki kelemahanmu. Tanpa harus takut kehabisan waktu atau kehabisan uang, memberikan solusi yang praktis dan efektif untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian.

Ayo, mulai berlatih soal sekarang juga dengan Rasakan kemudahan dan keefektifan berlatih soal online. Persiapkan diri dengan baik untuk menghadapi ujian dan capailah prestasi yang maksimal!

Q: Bagaimana jika saya menemukan soal atau jawaban yang salah?
A: Silahkan hubungi kami di Contact Us

Q: Kenapa saya tidak dapat mengakses
A: Pastikan koneksi internet Anda lancar dan pastikan Adblock dimatikan.

Q: Apakah menyediakan bimbel atau les untuk CPNS?
A: hanya menyediakan kumpulan soal untuk persiapan CPNS dan tidak menyediakan les untuk CPNS ataupun bimbingan CPNS.

Q: Apakah ini latihan soal ini bisa digunakan seleksi untuk daftar BUMN?
A: Anda dapat memanfaatkan ribuan soal latihan untuk proses seleksi psikotes daftar BUMN seperti Pertamina, Pindad, Garuda dan perusahaan BUMN lainnya.
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