Soal Inggris Kelas 11 – Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil

Soal Inggris Kelas 11 – Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil | Berikut ini soal Inggris kelas 11 semester 1 dan semester 2 untuk anda yang ingin berlatih mengenai soal Inggris untuk bagian Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil.

Bagi para siswa kelas 11 yang ingin berlatih soal untuk mata pelajaran Inggris dengan pembelajaran Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil Anda bisa mempelajari berbagai macam soal mengenai Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil dibawah ini.

Selamat mengerjakan Latihan Soal Inggris Kelas 11 – Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil


SMA-Kelas 2 - Inggris - Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil - 1

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“Cashier machine” means …

2 / 15

“Admiration” means….

3 / 15

Buyer : How much does it cost?

Seller : 5 thousand rupiahs

Buyer : It is too expensive for a kile

Seller : Three thousand, you may

Buyer : No!! Can I get for one thousand?

Seller : Come to another greengrocer, mam

Buyer : Okay, I’ll do

From the dialogue, the word “EXPENSIVE” means …

4 / 15

Sindy: Ayu, which one do you think is better between these two headbands?

Ayu: I think the white one is more suitable for you to use.

Sindy: Is that so? But the yellow one also pretty, it kinda has cheerful vibe.

Ayu: But white is a neutral color, so you can match it with any clothes easily. If the yellow one, you need to wear clothes that has same or at least similar color.

Sindy: Well, you’re right about it. Okay then, I will buy the white headband.

From the dialogue, Sindy will probably …

5 / 15

Pasha : How full is your trolley today! It’s rare for me.

Ziqri : Yes. I’m shoppaholic today

Pasha : You purchased some dairy products and chocolate, aren’t you afraid for being fatter? You’re like a giant now.

Ziqri : I can’t hold myself to eat them. It enchants me anymore

Pasha : I suggest you a dietary one. Buy this supplement or this cereal

Ziqri : Oatmeal??? Iuhhh…

From the dialogue, we know that …

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In expressing admiration, we can use the question marks ….

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When you admire someone or something, in other case you feel ….

8 / 15

Rachel : Look what I’ve got here!

Hasmaww : Uhmmm what kind of thing is it?

Rachel : It is a gift for my uncle. Today is his birthday. I will give it to him

Hasmaww : Can you please open the box? I want to see what thing is your gift for him?

Rachel : Taraaaa…. This is the gift

Hasmaww : Wowww!! How creative you are!! You made this?

Rachel : Yes, I did. I made it by myself. What do you think?

Hasmaww : It’s unique, sweet, and cool at the same time. I think he must love this gift

From the dialogue, which statement is TRUE …

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Shopper : Excuse me, sir. Do you have any kinds of apple?

Shopkeeper : Yes, we do. It’s fuji apple, those are Malang apples, apple from Madiun, apple from China, and this is an American one. Which one do you like?

Shopper : Lemme buy three kilograms of Malang apples. It sounds yummy

Shopkeeper : Fantastic! I’ll wrap it. How about the snakefruit? And this dragonfruit. It’s new arrival this morning. Fresh and sweet, miss!

Shopper : No,thanks. I only like this apple. How much?

Shopkeeper : This is your prescription. You may come to the cashier over there

Shopper : Okay. Thanks

Shopkeeper : Come back later on

From the dialogue, which statement is TRUE …

10 / 15

Husband: Wait, wait. Why are you rushing so much? We can take our time and going slowly, no need to rush.

Wife: No, we really need to rush. That shop over there give 20% discount for vegetables and other groceries, so we must hurry or we won’t get any.

Husband: Really? That’s a big discount!

Wife: That’s what I’m saying! That shop only give discount for today, and people already know about it so they’re literally running there. We don’t have any time to chat like this!

Husband: Okay, okay. But after going there, we will eat, right? I’m starting to hungry now.

Wife: No, not yet. We need go to clothing shop to buy new shirt for your work. They’re giving promo today, buy 1 get 1. It is a good deal and we will save money.

Husband: What? So when are we going to eat?

Wife: It’s not the time for it now! Hurry up, there are more people coming to that shop right now!

We can infere from the dialogue that the dialogue is about ….. in the shop.

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“Change money” means …

12 / 15

Olanda : Are you feeling sick?

Tartila : Yes, I’m little bit cold

Olanda : Look over there! Is it Aris???

Tartila : Where is that?? Oh my God, he looks cute with that hoodie. How a perfect boy!

Olanda : Arghhh…it means that you’re not sick today. You’re fooling me!!

From the dialogue, the expression of “showing admiration” is ….

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Below are expressions of “showing admiration” , EXCEPT …..

14 / 15

Shopkeeper means …

15 / 15

Safit : Who did this for us?

Subih : I don’t truly know

Safit : Our class is very clean and tidy. The chairs are well-arranged. The floors are shining this morning, and the board welcomes us happily. I like it!!

Subih : Yes, it is. I guess someone with full of affection did it for our class

Safit : But who??? It’s not me

Subih : No matter what, who she or he is. I think he or she is the kindest person. What a kindest person!!!

Safit : Yes. May Allah bless her or him

From the dialogue, Safit ….

Your score is

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Latihan Soal Inggris Kelas 11 lainnya bisa dilihat di Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris SMA-MA dan Materi Kelas 10-12 [Lengkap]


  1. Jawaban BENAR = ceklis akan berubah menjadi HIJAU, SALAH = silang akan berubah menjadi MERAH
  2. Tiap soal hanya ada satu jawaban yang Benar
  3. Tekan F5 jika anda ingin latihan psikotes dari awal - Solusi Terbaik untuk Berlatih Soal Online

Mempersiapkan diri untuk menghadapi ujian tidak pernah mudah. Namun, dengan, kini kamu dapat berlatih soal dengan mudah dan efektif. Mulai dari soal SD / MI sederajat, SMP / MTs sederajat, SMA / MA sederajat, hingga soal umum, menawarkan berbagai macam soal yang akan membantumu meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuanmu.

Berpartisipasi dalam misi mencerdaskan manusia Indonesia, hadir sebagai solusi terbaik bagi kamu yang ingin berlatih soal secara online. Dengan user-friendly interface dan desain yang menarik, akan membuat latihan soal menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan menantang.

Apa yang membuat berbeda dari yang lain?
  • Database soal yang selalu diperbarui
  • Semua soal dapat diakses secara Gratis
  • Desain yang user-friendly dan menarik
  • Berbagai tingkatan soal, mulai dari SD sederajat hingga umum

Dengan, kamu tidak hanya dapat berlatih soal, tetapi juga dapat memantau perkembangan dan memperbaiki kelemahanmu. Tanpa harus takut kehabisan waktu atau kehabisan uang, memberikan solusi yang praktis dan efektif untuk mempersiapkan diri menghadapi ujian.

Ayo, mulai berlatih soal sekarang juga dengan Rasakan kemudahan dan keefektifan berlatih soal online. Persiapkan diri dengan baik untuk menghadapi ujian dan capailah prestasi yang maksimal!

Q: Bagaimana jika saya menemukan soal atau jawaban yang salah?
A: Silahkan hubungi kami di Contact Us

Q: Kenapa saya tidak dapat mengakses
A: Pastikan koneksi internet Anda lancar dan pastikan Adblock dimatikan.

Q: Apakah menyediakan bimbel atau les untuk CPNS?
A: hanya menyediakan kumpulan soal untuk persiapan CPNS dan tidak menyediakan les untuk CPNS ataupun bimbingan CPNS.

Q: Apakah ini latihan soal ini bisa digunakan seleksi untuk daftar BUMN?
A: Anda dapat memanfaatkan ribuan soal latihan untuk proses seleksi psikotes daftar BUMN seperti Pertamina, Pindad, Garuda dan perusahaan BUMN lainnya.
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